Sunday, August 7, 2011

Excuse my absence, but... life has been consumed by A Tale of Two Cities and Jane Eyre. You can blame Charlotte Bronte, or Charles Dickens. Or both, if you prefer. Contrary to how I feel right now, (I'm recovering from a reading coma- in the past day and a half I frantically devoured the entire story of the life of Jane Eyre), I have been quite active this past week. For instance, I adopted some adorable children.

Courtney, who I think looks remarkably like my niece Bella, and Brady, a near perfect baby.

I did some serious cooking for a dinner with the Lucas family, who, with their five children, now live in Sweden. Due to the lack of dishes in their little rental cottage and a kitchen the size of a closet, it was quite the feat.

Luckily, I had the help of Rhonda, Layne and a slightly menacing Rick.

Meanwhile, Brady slept through everything.

Including Layne and I beating egg whites for tirimasu. With forks. There must be beaters, or at least a whisk that was used, you think. But no, I assure you that those egg whites were transformed into a semi solid froth by the commonplace, taken for granted fork.

Our evening quickly turned to night, as we lingered over courses of green beans with a bechemel sauce, pici with garlic, fish and tomatoes and tirimasu. We talked of life, travels, love and life. It was nearing midnight by the time we wearily wandered back to our apartment after Rhonda, being the saint she is, drove us the thirty minutes through the Tuscan countryside back to Siena. I could, for the first time in far too long, see stars.

We also took the opportunity to watch the Siena Jazz Festival yet again. It was beautiful.

Before heading to the festival, we stopped in the dusk light to admire the austere splendor of the church of San Francesco.

It was fascinating to watch how the piano kept the whole group together, providing the substance of the pieces, while the other instruments were like condiments- barely tolerable on their own, but necessary for the whole.

Later, we visited Roberto Bernini (or at least someone who could have been his twin) and then a couple of Layne's friends came to visit and we went to Arezzo, Montepulciano and Firenze. However, these narratives are for another time.

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