Sunday, August 28, 2011

A birds eye view.

Due to the plethora of things I have been doing over the past two weeks (endless hours on trains, planes and moving, essays, work and attempting to keep some semblance of sanity), I will be playing catch-up for a while. Which is good, because with the advent of another hectic semester, my life becomes considerably less blog-able.

Life is all about perspective. sometimes things are really ugly. And hard. And confining. Then you go above it all and see how free you really are.

Birds are lucky, aren't they?

1 comment:

  1. KayAnna! I saw a link to your blog on Layne's and had to come over. This was such a poetic post and I love your analogy to the bird's perspective. I needed that this morning.

    Can we get together soon and have an Italy party? We need to swap pictures and share stories! Just email me:

    I hope school is going well for you this week!

