I was rushing to meet my Italian professor, when I ran into this lovely girl on campus. She then left me this surprise in my inbox. It brightened my day.

Saturday night, I was truly a BYU student. I took a break from my research, and we played games. At my apartment. Eating popcorn. And got very worked up about beans [the game is Bahnanza. Look it up, you'll thank me]. And, well, I must say, I enjoyed myself.

I forgave her though. Kirsten and I are both refreshingly peculiar. We both find a strange joy in going grocery shopping, sugar-free jell-o, clean counters, doing our laundry and cooking while watching TLC.

In the words of the Little Prince, "No one is ever happy where he is." While entering my theory class today, I saw girl in a wheel chair come out of the classroom. I later learned that she had just recently had one of her legs removed, due to cancer. Despite that obviously huge trial, she looked sincerely happy. She still went to class. She still had her life. I'm grateful I still have both of my legs. They might not work perfectly, but they're pretty great. And I'm grateful for where I am, despite how annoying dirty counters, crumbs on floors, hairs on the sink and clutter are and how desperately I often wish to be where I am not.
Thank goodness for those fugacious moments.
[This was while I was in Slovakia]